Available Positions

We invite you to follow Anthem Prep on these platforms for future employment postings. Anthem Prep (formerly American Heritage of South Jordan) is an equal-opportunity employer.

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Elementary Teacher - Full-Time

Please email questions & resumes to Kris Robison.


We have limited openings at this time; however, we always accept applications to keep on file. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree with an emphasis in the desired area of instruction. Teachers who are not certified may apply to participate in the ARL (alternative routes to licensure) program through the Utah State Office of Education while simultaneously teaching. Salary is based on experience.

Elsha Yorgason, School Director
Email (preferred): eyorgason@ahsjschool.org


Accepting applications for 2024-2025. Experience required. Certification and bachelor’s degree preferred. All grade levels. Please submit resume, cover letter, and two letters of recommendation to the attention of school director Elsha Yorgason.

Elsha Yorgason, School Director
Email (preferred): eyorgason@ahsjschool.org